Changing Hearts and Minds Through Creative Use of Research Technology

Chris Martin

Mind the Gap: The Lost Pillar of Market Orientatio...

FlexMR’s CEO, Paul Hudson, took a stroll into a chapter of his past and presented as a guest lecture...


Emily James

    Changing Hearts and Minds Through Creative Use of Re...

    To win hearts and minds is a strategy with a long, chequered history. Used originally to describe a military tactic of the British, and subsequently a number of American foreign campaigns – it has sin...

    7 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Turning Research Community Insight into Tangible Act...

    Stakeholder engagement lies at the heart of what we do as researchers. It’s vital to getting insights into an organisation and informing business critical decisions. We have seen great advancements in...

    9 MIN READ

    Amy Greenwood

    The Complex Relationship Between Crowdsourcing and I...

    Innovation and Crowdsourcing are complex topics by nature, each with their own set of unique challenges; for insight professionals, this means working out how to carefully navigate both topics when th...

    9 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Lessons from Advertisers: How to Make Insights Stand...

    What makes insights stand out? How do we get decision makers to really take notice and pay attention to what the data is saying? It’s a hotly contested issue, and one which has only become increasingl...

    8 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    5 Rules of Visual Storytelling for Impactful Present...

    Storytelling is a great tool for communicating important insights, but how do we tell a story when communicating without words?

    10 MIN READ

    Emily James

    The Many Shades of Agile Market Research

    Our insights industry is chock full of new technologies, methodologies, and techniques all professing they are in some way ‘agile’. The term ‘agile’ reminds me of the evolution of MROCs which then tur...

    11 MIN READ

    Heather Wendlandt

    Choosing the Right Technology to Support Stakeholder...

    The research technology landscape is vast and varied. Then there are the fields adjacent to insight that add value to the work of researchers; data visualisation, creative production, knowledge manage...

    8 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Storytelling for Researchers: Lessons from 100+ Hour...

    Before my fascination with marketing began, I grew up determined to become a movie director. I spent hours with a small home camcorder, friends and a script - always trying to find the most interestin...

    9 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    How to Apply Design Thinking Principles to Market Re...

    As market researchers, the questions we have are frequently complex and multi-faceted, and our research goals ever-shifting against the current of fast-moving markets and evolving client and user need...

    7 MIN READ

    Josie Sanderson

    How to Get Rich, Online Qualitative Insight in Less ...

    To remain competitive within evolving industries and markets, a brand’s success relies on an adaptive and responsive strategy. Rapid industry changes bring along additional challenges and this require...

    8 MIN READ

    Charlotte Evans