The California Consumer Privacy Act: Impacts and Considerations

Amy Ismay

Mind the Gap: The Lost Pillar of Market Orientatio...

FlexMR’s CEO, Paul Hudson, took a stroll into a chapter of his past and presented as a guest lecture...


Emily James

    The California Consumer Privacy Act: Impacts and Con...

    The CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) is the new kid on the infosec block: GDPR’s younger sibling. It’s been over 18 months since the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) was first enforced...

    8 MIN READ

    Amy Ismay

    Understanding the Power of Consumer Communities

    Consumer communities have been around a while in market research, but saying that, there are plenty of professionals who don’t fully understand the power they contain when used well.

    10 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Building a Successful Customer Insights Team

    Once upon a time, it was enough to develop better products than competitors, provide a superior service, or find new operational efficiencies. These were all important markers of success. But today, a...

    8 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    A Practical Guide to Translating Business Problems i...

    Creating a research brief can be a little daunting; at first it seems that there is a lot to write and a lot of responsibility riding on it. But thankfully, it doesn’t have to be long or complicated -...

    9 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    5 Creative Ways to Present Complex Information

    There has never been data and insights so complex as they are now. A confident statement I admit, true nonetheless. The data we have access to now is almost infinite, and with the right combination ca...

    10 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Infographic: Insights Technology Trends of 2020

    Technology has developed at a swifter pace than we ever thought possible – and it's only getting faster every year. The past ten years alone have given us access to smarter technology, advancements in...

    5 MIN READ

    Sophie Grieve-Williams

    Infographic: Our 2019 in Review

    I think we can agree that, overall, 2019 has been a pretty tumultuous year globally. With elections and climate crises, Brexit and impeachment proceedings, terror attacks and natural disasters, it can...

    6 MIN READ

    Sophie Grieve-Williams

    The Case for Democratising Research Itself, Not Just...

    ‘Democratising’ is the practice of adding a democratic process to something. From a national election to tidying the house, anything can be democratised; in this blog, I want to look at the case for d...

    8 MIN READ

    Russell Elliot

    Data Scandals in the Age of GDPR: Changing our Perce...

    Since May 2018, GDPR has been well and truly embedded into data protection conversations, and has become the ultimate safety net. People have the right to know what company knows about them and why th...

    8 MIN READ

    Sally Nicholls

    Activating Insight: 3 Golden Rules for Success

    What does it actually mean to ‘activate insight’? This term has cropped up a lot recently, along with ‘insights empowerment’, and although we could probably take a good guess at what it means, it’s ha...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James