Infographic: Our 2019 in Review

Sophie Grieve-Williams

Insight 2025: Market Research Trends and Predictio...

The past twelve months have been dominated by technological momentum and behavioural uncertainty. In...


Paul Hudson

    Infographic: Our 2019 in Review

    I think we can agree that, overall, 2019 has been a pretty tumultuous year globally. With elections and climate crises, Brexit and impeachment proceedings, terror attacks and natural disasters, it can...

    6 MIN READ

    Sophie Grieve-Williams

    Animated Insights: The Bridges That Bind Political, ...

    In our 2019 report, Tribes: An Exploration of Political, Social and Brand Loyalties, we identified a number of surprising trends that underpin the similarities in consumer loyalty across different fac...

    7 MIN READ

    Sophie Grieve-Williams

    Identifying Loyal and Disconnected Customer Segments

    Brand loyalty is a tricky metric to measure, and has an incredible amount of importance placed upon it within the boardroom. Traditional customer loyalty strategies are typically aimed at consumers as...

    3 MIN READ

    Sophie Grieve-Williams