How to Write a Market Research Brief (+ Free Template)

Emily James

Mind the Gap: The Lost Pillar of Market Orientatio...

FlexMR’s CEO, Paul Hudson, took a stroll into a chapter of his past and presented as a guest lecture...


Emily James

    How to Write a Market Research Brief (+ Free Templat...

    A market research brief is a document a client produces detailing important information about their unique situation and research requirements. This information should include (but is not limited to) ...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    What is Marketing Research: The Many Faces of Market...

    What is marketing research? This might just be the most asked question in relation to market research on the internet today. It is also a question that has a deceptively complex answer depending on: w...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James

    How Software Developers Shape Modern Research Experi...

    This is the third (and final) part of my MRMW EU 2019 summary series. You can read my Day 1 summary here, and my overview of the second day here.

    7 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Technology that Transfers and Facilitates Knowledge ...

    This is the second part of my MRMW EU 2019 summary. You can read my Day 1 summary here, or my deep dive into FlexMR CEO Paul Hudson’s session on the role of Developers and Researchers in shaping resea...

    9 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Technology as an Enabler of Better Research (MRMW Su...

    This is the first part of my MRMW EU 2019 summary. You can read my Day 2 summary here, or my deep dive into FlexMR CEO Paul Hudson’s session on the role of Developers and Researchers in shaping resear...

    9 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    What is Correlation Analysis? A Definition and Expla...

    Correlation analysis is a topic that few people might remember from statistics lessons in school, but the majority of insights professionals will know as a staple of data analytics. However, correlati...

    10 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Putting a Price on Big Data: How Society Values Info...

    As demonstrated by another of our blogs, our digital society is continually producing enormous amounts of real-time data. Through our smart home devices, smart phones, social media accounts, web behav...

    6 MIN READ

    Louisa Thistlethwaite

    The 10 Best Podcasts for Market Research and Insight...

    Just as blogs and video content before them, podcasts are exploding in popularity and are quickly becoming a mainstay of audience media consumption. In fact, the annual report that looks into podcasti...

    16 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Inspiring Action: The Active Role of Insight in Deci...

    Using the words of our very own CEO, Paul Hudson: “To survive in a global marketplace, brands cannot afford to wait on data. Decisions must be made fast. And they must be reliably informed.” That’s wh...

    7 MIN READ

    Amy Greenwood

    Animated Insights: The Bridges That Bind Political, ...

    In our 2019 report, Tribes: An Exploration of Political, Social and Brand Loyalties, we identified a number of surprising trends that underpin the similarities in consumer loyalty across different fac...

    7 MIN READ

    Sophie Grieve-Williams