Simple Ways to Curate Insights for Senior Audiences

Emily James

Mind the Gap: The Lost Pillar of Market Orientatio...

FlexMR’s CEO, Paul Hudson, took a stroll into a chapter of his past and presented as a guest lecture...


Emily James

    Simple Ways to Curate Insights for Senior Audiences

    Reporting is one of the most important stages of market research, and isn’t really given the attention it deserves in favour of the arguably more exciting data collection and analysis stages. However,...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    What is Human Experience Research?

    As researchers, its our job to explore a range of different approaches and methodology for any given project. We do this to choose an approach that will get us the best, most relevant data available. ...

    7 MIN READ

    Samantha Nicholson

    Customer Immersion Sessions - A Simple Guide

    Since the very beginning, market research has been trying to connect brands and customers together for the betterment of both parties. Generating high-quality insights is a key incentive for stakehold...

    9 MIN READ

    Emily James

    How to Scale Creative Qual for Rich Consumer Underst...

    Qualitative data is by its very nature more difficult to analyse than quantitative data. Quant data usually consists of numbers and stats… lovely, logical numbers and stats; qual however brings in sta...

    8 MIN READ

    Russell Elliot

    5 Strategies to Turn Insights into Action

    Turning insights into action – the end game for both insight professionals and stakeholders. But it’s also one of the trickiest challenges we face.

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Infographic: A Recipe for the Perfect Insights Commu...

    When formed and maintained correctly, insights communities are typically places of vibrant conversation and insight generation. Respondents can complete research tasks, chat amongst themselves in foru...

    4 MIN READ

    Sophie Grieve-Williams

    Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Effective Sur...

    Surveys are one of the staples of market research. Insight professionals have been designing surveys since market research first began, with the aim to get the best data possible. Surveys, along with ...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    The Impact of User Experience on Market Research

    I have to confess I’ve recently found myself getting to that age where I sometimes think to myself ‘ooh young people today, with their bubble tea in a jam jar and 'Tik Toking’. Especially when you rea...

    6 MIN READ

    Annette Smith

    How to Measure the Success of Insights Activation

    Measuring the success of anything in market research can be tricky: the success of a project, the success of a particular decision within the research process, the success of a task, and but in partic...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James

    What is a Market Research Playbook?

    Playbooks are a great educational tools present in all industries for a variety of different audiences. Sports playbooks are most likely the most well-known example of a playbook, containing key infor...

    9 MIN READ

    Emily James