Behavioural Science and Bias: What Researchers Need to Know

Natasha Smith

Mind the Gap: The Lost Pillar of Market Orientatio...

FlexMR’s CEO, Paul Hudson, took a stroll into a chapter of his past and presented as a guest lecture...


Emily James

    Behavioural Science and Bias: What Researchers Need ...

    Behavioural science describes the study of human behaviour and one factor that can strongly impact our behaviour as humans is bias. Therefore, as insight professionals, we often consider how participa...

    8 MIN READ

    Natasha Smith

    What is a True Culture of Insight?

    The simple answer, is that a culture of insight perpetuates customer-centricity throughout the organisation, and it’s a step into future success.

    6 MIN READ

    Emily James

    What Does It Mean to Empower Insights?

    The Customer is King. That’s the mantra of a market economy. It is the customer that decides what gets produced – and what doesn’t – depending on how and where they spend their money. The almost-Darwi...

    10 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    The Complete Guide to Customer Centricity

    If we take a look at the most successful companies in the world, Amazon, Google, Apple, etc. Their success is hinged on creating products and services that are embedded in customers daily lives: Amazo...

    33 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Best Practices for Recruiting and Managing Insight C...

    Insight communities are valuable pools of insight generation opportunities. As online research channels go, creating and managing a successful insight community is one that requires more effort, resou...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Market Segmentation - The Ultimate Guide (+6 Example...

    Market segmentation is a staple of quality research. It is one of the few techniques that is used universally across all businesses across all industries to better understand the opinions, needs, moti...

    31 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Redefining Qualitative Fieldwork in the Online Era

    Quantitative research has continued to make the most of online technologies for fieldwork for a while now, whereas fieldwork in qualitative research has been slower to adopt digital methodologies. Nev...

    8 MIN READ

    Dr Matthew Farmer

    GDPR 3 Years On - Data Security in Market Research

    In just 3 short years, the EU’s General Data Protection Act of 2018 has obviously revolutionised data security practices around the world for both consumers and businesses. As was pointed out in our o...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    The Power of Empathy in Research Design

    A sense of empathy is a core feature of a good researcher. Given that our job is to understand and interpret the feelings of others, its essential that we can connect with our participants and ask que...

    7 MIN READ

    Samantha Nicholson

    Forecasting Failure - Using Insight to Make Strategi...

    Failure is one of the biggest fears we all share. Failing, in both a professional and personal capacity, is something we actively try to avoid, however it is always something we can learn from. Whethe...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James