The 4 Most Important Consumer Research Data Points
Consumer research is a key metric that helps brands stay relevant and innovate regularly according to the needs and experiences of their customers.
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We are the insights empowerment company. Our framework addresses the major pressures insight teams face.
Discover how to build close customer connections to better support real-time decision making.
What is a market research and insights playbook, plus discover why should your team consider building one.
The insights empowerment readiness calculator measures your progress in building an insight-led culture.
The MRX Lab podcast explores new and novel ideas from the insights industry in 10 minutes or less.
FlexMR’s CEO, Paul Hudson, took a stroll into a chapter of his past and presented as a guest lecture...
Consumer research is a key metric that helps brands stay relevant and innovate regularly according to the needs and experiences of their customers.
Qualitative research is one side of the data and insights coin. The side obsessed with stories, detail and exploration. In recent years the qualitative side of market research has grown significantly ...
Insight experts today have a multitude of qualitative research methods to choose from at any one time. Each method has it’s strengths and purpose, with many able to combine in order to provide a well-...
As the Greenbook GRIT survey opens for another year, and I answer questions about the role of automation, technology and working practices in market research - I find myself reflecting on the role of ...
Qualitative insights are incredibly valuable for stakeholder decision-making, providing the all-important depth and reasoning behind customer behaviours. In recent years there has been a large increas...
It’s not uncommon within the insights industry to see good arguments for recognising customers as stakeholders when it comes to actioning insights and driving change for businesses. Stakeholders want ...
Qualitative research comes in many forms. With methodologies spanning from the more traditional focus groups, to the creative forms of smartboards, video diaries and more. But there are some qualitati...
Detailed insightful feedback is every research professional’s dream. When consumers partake in market research, they commit to influencing positive change with each decision their insight influences -...
Building a customer-centric culture is a tricky task for any business. While newer businesses theoretically would have an easier time changing their strategies to build more customer-centric tactics i...
The customer experience carries many touchpoints that brands rely on to communicate with customers. Each brand will have a unique combination of touchpoints that creates their unique brand experience,...