Creating a Buzz: How to Make Insights Exciting

Emily James

Mind the Gap: The Lost Pillar of Market Orientatio...

FlexMR’s CEO, Paul Hudson, took a stroll into a chapter of his past and presented as a guest lecture...


Emily James

    Creating a Buzz: How to Make Insights Exciting

    When formulated accurately and actionably, insights are inherently exciting – they have the potential to completely transform any industry and allow us to understand consumer behaviour. So why do we d...

    6 MIN READ

    Emily James

    How 4 Basic Narrative Structures Can Help You Tell B...

    Naturally, research insights hold some level of intrigue without having to try too hard. Usually work is commissioned to delve into areas that are interesting to a business or individual or that they ...

    9 MIN READ

    Grayling Ferguson

    The Speed of Insight: How to Accelerate the Decision...

    There’s no doubt about it - on a daily basis we are faced with decisions, no matter how small they may be. And I’m not just talking about which biscuits to choose from at the supermarket, I’m talking ...

    6 MIN READ

    Laura Butterworth

    What Researchers Need to Know about Behavioural Scie...

    If you discussed behavioural science with a market researcher ten years ago, chances are that they would have viewed the concept as a purely academic pursuit, or even know of it as something marketers...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James

    5 Technologies Transforming Market Research in 2020

    Market research practices are remarkably simple when boiled down to their essence: take a market, ask it questions about products and services, and react to their demands. This is, of course, an over-...

    9 MIN READ

    Russell Elliot

    Paul Hudson on Engaging Cities with Insight (& W...

    How do we, as researchers, drive business action? That’s the question that dominates significant potion of my working life. After all, there is a constant stream of new data collection techniques, new...

    8 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Engaging New York & London with Impactful Insigh...

    Last year, we embarked on a new journey. One that tied together conversations we’d had with clients, products and services our team had developed, and am ambitious aim. That journey was our Insight as...

    7 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    10 Emerging Customer Experience Trends

    Customer experience is a continuously evolving entity, with trends fading in and out in yearly cycles influenced by the changes in technology, industry, and innovation. The current trends will fade ou...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    What It Really Means to Gather Online Qual at Scale

    In the Market Research world, the terms “big data” and “mass quant” are all too familiar; it is regularly referred to amongst the industry and also commonly used in practice. Mass qual, however, is mu...

    7 MIN READ

    Maisie Furneaux

    Advice for Insight Communities During COVID-19

    For many of us in the UK, it was the government’s rapid change of stance on Covid-19 that signalled a step-shift in the seriousness and scale of the situation. Every industry will be impacted by the h...

    8 MIN READ

    Chris Martin