How To Become An Expert On Your Customers
Recently, I’ve been exploring the factors that influence a brand’s performance and market success. Across the international landscape, it’s not hard to spot the market success of brands such as Procto...
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The MRX Lab podcast explores new and novel ideas from the insights industry in 10 minutes or less.
FlexMR’s CEO, Paul Hudson, took a stroll into a chapter of his past and presented as a guest lecture...
Recently, I’ve been exploring the factors that influence a brand’s performance and market success. Across the international landscape, it’s not hard to spot the market success of brands such as Procto...
Empowering stakeholders is a popular topic right now, with more light being shed on the fact that insights aren’t as accessible as most people think they are, especially when presented only to certain...
We each have an emotional connection to where we live; whether it’s where we grew up or where we’ve moved to, the memories that we make and the life that we cultivate in that place colours the percept...
Technology and commercialisation have been a global catalyst for change, but with change comes a whole host of challenges and opportunities all industries have to adapt to. Digital transformation is a...
Data quality has long been an important part of the research process, but recently sampling techniques have drawn criticism for being prone to automated bots completing surveys. Whilst there are many ...
When formulated accurately and actionably, insights are inherently exciting – they have the potential to completely transform any industry and allow us to understand consumer behaviour. So why do we d...
Nowadays, everything we can possibly think to do has moved online. Writing letters has been replaced with emails and instant messaging, physical copies of music are only bought to use with nearly outd...
There are a few significant challenges associated with stakeholder engagement such as demand on time and resources, unconscious and conscious biases everywhere (departmental biases, human biases, fina...
Qualitative research is notorious for its contextual, complex insights that when interpreted right are very actionable. There are many different ways to generate qualitative insights, with more creati...
Market research technology has evolved beyond simply providing qualitative and quantitative tools. As the industry itself has grown to integrate other research methods into its arsenal, so too has the...