3 Key Reasons to Take Your Market Research Online

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    There are a vast array of reasons to move your offline research into the digital world. But here, we pick out three of the most vital reasons that exemplify exactly how online research can be a benefit to your business.

    The wide range of tools at your disposal

    We have moved far beyond "Online qual? - Let’s do Focus Groups”. With FlexMR there are no limits to your methodology - we cover a whole range of tools, from qual to quant and mobile; simply because your methodology should not be constrained by the tools available to you. Thanks to 16 flexible tools your research benefits from online forums, blogs, interactive media tools, live chats, diary studies, collaboration features and integrated messaging all the way to full communities or panels.

    This means that you can tailor the research to fit your objectives and needs. This could include anything from a short pre-task to a face to face focus group you are running, a three-week diary study into participants’ lifestyles and brand perceptions, to a community for co-creation and product testing.

    Getting clients involved from start to finish with responsive research

    You’ve got a clear picture of your objectives and what you want to achieve. The research starts and all goes well, the feedback is coming in nicely and there it is! Something you didn’t expect to find - you would love to dig a bit deeper, follow it up and find out more but it is not part of your study design. Frankly, so what?

    Online qual is all about responsive research - do follow that lead, dig deeper, start a private conversation with a particular participant or group, instantly put a follow-on task live to get additional feedback and follow up this new trail within your research, it is easy, responsive and so rewarding for any client project. Not just that, clients get the benefit of responsive research and therefore detailed, in-depth results that cover all facets, but they can also be involved from the word "Go!” for true collaboration across the board.

    Online research harnesses collaboration & creativity

    At FlexMR we put research first - it is not just about software being at the forefront of online research, but it needs both elements: skilled researchers and great software. Creating high quality research is about experience, methodology, the right set up and an eye and awareness for your participants, their needs and engagement. We are trained to achieve the best possible research and results, based on our long-standing experience, expertise and love for great market research. If you would like to know more about how we advocate exciting your customers, then have a look here.

    Naturally, there are more reasons beyond these three topical ones - why not share your views here?

    To book a free trial of the FlexMR research platform and make use of our wide range of quant & qual tools, click here. Or, click here to read more about the flexible service levels we can provide.

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