Infographic: FlexMR's 2021 Year in Review
Each year we’ve reviewed the progress and challenges we’ve had to deal with a company and as a part of the insights industry – the past year has been just as weird and different as the last as we stil...
Get ready to streamline, scale and supercharge your research. Fill out this form to request a demo of the InsightHub platform and discover the difference insights empowerment can make. A member of our team will reach out within two working days.
Quality insight doesn't need to cost the earth. Our flexible approach helps you make the most of research budgets and build an agile solution that works for you. Fill out this form to request a call back from our team to explore our pricing options.
Embark on a new adventure. Join Camp InsightHub, our free demo platform, to discover the future of research.
Read a brief overview of the agile research platform enabling brands to inform decisions at speed in this PDF.
Our services drive operational and strategic success in challenging environments. Find out how.
Close Connections bring stakeholders and customers together for candid, human conversations.
The FlexMR credentials deck provides a brief introduction to the team, our approach to research and previous work.
We are the insights empowerment company. Our framework addresses the major pressures insight teams face.
Discover how to build close customer connections to better support real-time decision making.
What is a market research and insights playbook, plus discover why should your team consider building one.
The insights empowerment readiness calculator measures your progress in building an insight-led culture.
The MRX Lab podcast explores new and novel ideas from the insights industry in 10 minutes or less.
FlexMR’s CEO, Paul Hudson, took a stroll into a chapter of his past and presented as a guest lecture...
Each year we’ve reviewed the progress and challenges we’ve had to deal with a company and as a part of the insights industry – the past year has been just as weird and different as the last as we stil...
We are currently living the future of qualitative research. The era of Online Qual has dawned with a spectacular eruption of opportunities and techniques that are transforming research practices for t...
Market research panels are incredibly useful tools for powerful insight generation. With panel research being one of the most used research tools, it’s important to keep them in full health so insight...
Qualitative research is a large part of the research experience, giving insight teams and stakeholders a deep look at how consumers live and behave in their own little worlds. These insights are steep...
Communicating complex information can be one of the hardest parts of conveying insights, especially as the demands and challenges that insight teams face have also become more complex.
Making research processes more efficient is beneficial for all insight teams. From efficiency data collection and analysis, to better research design and communication with stakeholders, efficiency is...
Out of all the challenges insight teams face in today’s world, making the insights generated reach and influence more stakeholders across the client organisation, and increasing the efficiency and pot...
Insight teams within an organisation that doesn’t value market research are typically seen as a cost-centre or a money pit. Those insight teams then find themselves in positions where they have to fig...
Generating data is only half of the research process. The other half is interpreting that data, generating insights, and presented in an impactful way. Creative reporting is a relatively recent innova...
When formed and maintained correctly, insights communities are typically places of vibrant conversation and insight generation. Respondents can complete research tasks, chat amongst themselves in foru...