The Benefits of a Dedicated Online Focus Group Tool

Paul Hudson

3 Challenges Facing Financial Services Market Rese...

The landscape in the financial services sector is forever changing, this brings a unique set of chal...


Michael Connor

    The Benefits of a Dedicated Online Focus Group Tool

    Like many, I have had to adapt to running every business meeting by web conference, often on platforms like Zoom, Join Me, Webex & Teams. But also, like many, I have experienced greater tiredness ...

    7 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Paul Hudson on Engaging Cities with Insight (& W...

    How do we, as researchers, drive business action? That’s the question that dominates significant potion of my working life. After all, there is a constant stream of new data collection techniques, new...

    8 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Is All Online Research Created Equal?

    In these challenging times, we are all doing things differently; whether that is working from home for the first time or trying to replace traditional face-to-face research with different methods. Giv...

    6 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Connecting Worlds through a Shared Vision (Qual360 S...

    So, into Day 2 at Qual360 EU! The question for me was, could I keep up with the mental challenge of a second day of new projects, new insights, new methodologies, and new inspiring opportunities, whic...

    9 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    An Age of Qualitative Reinvention (Qual360 Summary #...

    What an incredible start to the Qual360 EU two-day conference! With attendees treated to speakers from a diverse range of industries, all discussing how they innovate qualitative research in an effort...

    10 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    A Practical Guide to Translating Business Problems i...

    Creating a research brief can be a little daunting; at first it seems that there is a lot to write and a lot of responsibility riding on it. But thankfully, it doesn’t have to be long or complicated -...

    9 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    5 Uncomfortable Truths about the Insights Industry

    The insights industry is a wonderful place to be right now – innovation in new methods, expanding horizons and more influence in boardrooms. Overall, businesses realise that it is imperative that thei...

    7 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Why Insight Levels the Playing Field Between Establi...

    The one element that really matters for long-term success of a brand is its ability to understand their customers and marketplace. Every brand has to keep evolving to keep maintaining its relevance wi...

    9 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Evaluating Smart Assistants as a Way to Deliver Bett...

    Smart assistants such as Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant and Cortana have become commonplace in people’s homes during the last 18 months. Admittedly a lot of their use has centred round playing music an...

    5 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Blockchain, Big Data and Market Research: What Does ...

    Blockchain will revolutionise the way the insight industries work. Not because we need to change the way they work or because it will create an advantage for us or even make our jobs easier... Blockch...

    4 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson