5 Easy Ways to Measure Customer Centricity

Emily James

Understanding Customer Centricity: An Introductory...

In today’s rapidly evolving marketplace, businesses from all sectors are increasingly recognizing th...


Emily James

    5 Easy Ways to Measure Customer Centricity

    There are a number of organisations now that either proclaim to be customer-centric, or are taking steps towards becoming a customer-centric organisation. Far from being a new fad or trend, customer-c...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    How to Translate Customer Insight into Business Acti...

    Most conversations on market research centre on how to get customer insights. Which is a pretty important topic in the industry, but what use are customer insights if the stakeholders we generate them...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James

    The Complete Guide to Customer Centricity

    If we take a look at the most successful companies in the world, Amazon, Google, Apple, etc. Their success is hinged on creating products and services that are embedded in customers daily lives: Amazo...

    33 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Best Practices for Recruiting and Managing Insight C...

    Insight communities are valuable pools of insight generation opportunities. As online research channels go, creating and managing a successful insight community is one that requires more effort, resou...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Market Segmentation - The Ultimate Guide (+6 Example...

    Market segmentation is a staple of quality research. It is one of the few techniques that is used universally across all businesses across all industries to better understand the opinions, needs, moti...

    31 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Creating an Online Database of Research Participants

    Online research can be tricky when dealing with people who you’ll likely never see face to face. We’re relying a lot on verification techniques and trust - trust that customers and consumers want to h...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James

    GDPR 3 Years On - Data Security in Market Research

    In just 3 short years, the EU’s General Data Protection Act of 2018 has obviously revolutionised data security practices around the world for both consumers and businesses. As was pointed out in our o...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Experts Explain How to Get the Most Out of Qual and ...

    Qualitative and quantitative research techniques are the staples of market research methodologies. With one concentrating on gleaning logical, statistical insights and the other specialising in diving...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Forecasting Failure - Using Insight to Make Strategi...

    Failure is one of the biggest fears we all share. Failing, in both a professional and personal capacity, is something we actively try to avoid, however it is always something we can learn from. Whethe...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Research Automation - The Effect on Recruitment, Fie...

    At the start of automation integration into research processes, there was a lot of scepticism in the insights industry - in fact, at the start, there was a lot of scepticism in all industries. With fe...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James