The Top 100 Market Research Influencers of 2015

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    Editors note: A more recent version of this post exists! We have updated our top 100 market research influeners to follow for 2019. Click here to view the new post.

    Twitter has a thriving community of market researchers. In particular, the #mrx and #newmr Twitter communities collate some of the most innovative and interesting thinking from thought leaders in the market research industry. But who exactly are the most influential market researchers on Twitter? We wanted to find out, so employed the influence measurement tools available at Buzzsumo to find out.

    Though there was thousands of candidates, we focused on the top 100. These are the people you want to hear from - those that create and share thinking from the frontlines of market research and will have a hand in shaping the future of the industry. For the purposes of this list, we excluded syndications, companies and blogs. The final one hundred are all real people, tweeting their own ideas and thoughts about current trends in market research.

    The Top 100 Market Research Influencers

    Rank Name Twitter Handle
    1 Jeffrey Henning jhenning
    2 Kathryn Korostoff researchrocks
    3 Tom Ewing tomewing
    4 RayPoynter raypoynter
    5 Cathy Harrison virtualmrx
    6 Reineke Reitsma rreitsma
    7 Tamara Barber tamarabarber
    8 Ole Andresen oleandresen
    9 Julie K julie1research
    10 Gian Fulgoni gfulgoni
    11 Roxana Strohmenger rstrohmenger
    12 Kate Tribe katetribe
    13 Sean Copeland copeland1985
    14 John Rymer johnrrymer
    15 Jason Ebbing jebbing9
    16 Mike Beder mikebeder
    17 Annie Pettit lovestats
    18 Reg Baker thesurveygeek
    19 Michaela Mora rinsights
    20 Leonard Murphy lennyism
    21 Tom H C Anderson tomhcanderson
    22 Ben Bajarin benbajarin
    23 Kate Leggett kateleggett
    24 Kristin Luck kristinluck
    25 Tom De Ruyck tomderuyck
    26 Katie Clark insightsgal
    27 Melissa Pepper, PRC melrp
    28 Sandra Bauman baumanresearch
    29 Krista Joyce kristajoyce1114
    30 Sharon Donnelly


    31 Stephen Koukoulas thekouk
    32 Trent Collins tcollins
    33 Ben Smithee spychresearch
    34 Larry Tabb ltabb
    35 Michael D. Lieberman statmaven
    36 Kevin McPartland kmcpartland
    37 Eoghan O'Neill eoghanlondon
    38 George Zdanowicz georgezd
    39 Rowan Haylett rowanhaylett
    40 Michelle Mamo Stando mlmamo
    41 Adam Jolley adamjolley
    42 Aaron Burch theburchyburch
    43 Paul Eichberger pauleichberger
    44 Ben Page, Ipsos MORI benatipsosmori
    45 Shaili Bhatt shailibhatt
    46 SokoAnalyst sokoanalyst
    47 Robert Rush robertrush
    48 Bret Goble bretig
    49 Baillie Buchanan bailliebuch
    50 David Senf senformation
    51 Gaelle Normand gaellenormand
    52 Kristof De Wulf kristofdewulf
    53 Tom Keene tomkeene
    54 Dianne Gardiner digardiner
    55 Oliver Tabino olitab
    56 Ed Bradford fullcarry
    57 Tim Macer timmacer
    58 Tadas Viskanta abnormalreturns
    59 Bond Vigilantes bondvigilantes
    60 Paul Long paul_long
    61 J.C. Parets allstarcharts
    62 Tom Brakke researchpuzzler
    63 Mark Fauntleroy mfauntleroy
    64 Matt Foley mattpluggedin
    65 Christian Kämper ckaemper
    66 Gary Austin austinresearch
    67 Sascha Theismann stheismann
    68 Jon Puleston jonpuleston
    69 Daniel Ghinn engagementstrat
    70 Alan Murray alansmurray
    71 Mark Smith marksmithvr
    72 Thomas Edwards run2tom
    73 Jordan S. Terry the_analyst
    74 Matt Phillips matthewphillips
    75 John Carney carney
    76 Adrían Bridgwater abridgwater
    77 Alex Williams alexwilliams
    78 Carol Phillips carol_phillips
    79 James Mackintosh jmackin2
    80 Chris Adams chrisadamsmkts
    81 Herb Greenberg herbgreenberg
    82 George Colony gcolony
    83 Randi Stillman bottomlinemr
    84 Robert Moran robertpmoran
    85 David Stark davidstarkca
    86 Brendan Tuppack brendantuppack
    87 Michael Fauscette mfauscette
    88 Meb Faber mebfaber
    89 Diane Hessan dianehessan
    90 Michael Gartenberg gartenberg
    91 Leigh Drogen ldrogen
    92 Ignacio Racca nacho_racca
    93 Kayla Tausche kaylatausche
    94 Barb Darrow gigabarb
    95 Lawrence McDonald convertbond
    96 Amy Lynn amylynnorg
    97 Carl Richards behaviorgap
    98 Conor Sen conorsen
    99 Paul Kedrosky pkedrosky
    100 Curt Monash curtmonash

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