The Impact of User Experience on Market Research

Annette Smith

Mind the Gap: The Lost Pillar of Market Orientatio...

FlexMR’s CEO, Paul Hudson, took a stroll into a chapter of his past and presented as a guest lecture...


Emily James

    The Impact of User Experience on Market Research

    I have to confess I’ve recently found myself getting to that age where I sometimes think to myself ‘ooh young people today, with their bubble tea in a jam jar and 'Tik Toking’. Especially when you rea...

    6 MIN READ

    Annette Smith

    8 Common Insight Platform Pitfalls (and How to Avoid...

    After more than 10 years working in online and mobile market research I have worked with many insight, product and marketing professionals to set-up insight platforms to guide the business to success.

    7 MIN READ

    Maria Twigge

    Effective Insight Strategies: An Industry-Wide Discu...

    The challenges insight professionals face today are significant, some new, and some we have carried with us since the very start. Investment, education, redesigning research strategies for the changin...

    17 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Close Connections - Practical Ways to Support Real-T...

    Important decisions happen every minute of every day. As normal people, we take the information apparent in that moment to make the best decision possible; as insight professionals we are responsible ...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James

    A Casual Conversation on Client-Agency Relationships

    Building a strong client-agency relationship in the insights industry can be tough, mainly due to a perception gap about the other party on both sides of the relationship.

    5 MIN READ

    Sophie Grieve-Williams

    Mind the Gap - Bridging the Gap Between Brands and C...

    Consumer changes and trends have never changed so profoundly as they have in the last twelve months, with consumer attitude, behaviours and purchasing habits altering considerably and forcing business...

    7 MIN READ

    Sarah O'Neill

    The Importance of Delegation in Managing Insight Act...

    Delegation is one of the most important management skills we could learn in any profession. The ability to hand off the right task to the right person can be tough, especially if you’re not sure if yo...

    9 MIN READ

    Emily James

    The Role of Focus Groups in our Quest for Expressive...

    Data tells a story. As researchers, our role is to explore this story on behalf of stakeholders. Sometimes this is as simple as testing customer preference on, for example, tangible physical attribute...

    10 MIN READ

    Gareth Bowden

    Just in Time - Making Research More Efficient?

    In the Insights Industry, we are constantly on the lookout for ways to become more efficient. We have found ways to automate extraneous processes, design more impactful research experiences (for resea...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Building a Research Technology Stack for Better Insi...

    Technology stacks are more frequently discussed in the marketing and software development industries. As the name suggests, these are personalised ecosystems of technology created to work in conjuncti...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James