How to Evaluate and Refine Your Market Research Strategy

Chris Martin

Mind the Gap: The Lost Pillar of Market Orientatio...

FlexMR’s CEO, Paul Hudson, took a stroll into a chapter of his past and presented as a guest lecture...


Emily James

    How to Evaluate and Refine Your Market Research Stra...

    Often a market research strategy sits within the larger context of a business’/organisations’ strategy.

    5 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Which Market Research Method Provides the Highest RO...

    Market research plays a crucial part in business decision making. It identifies the functions and processes that are successful as well as those that require attention. It is key to effective market p...

    6 MIN READ

    Grayling Ferguson

    Uncovering Latent Needs Through Consumer Diaries

    It would be so nice if everyone knew exactly what they needed. It would certainly make buying Christmas presents easier! However, many of us can’t quite explain what it is that we need, or want, and t...

    5 MIN READ

    Dr Dorota Crockford

    How to Use Co-Creation to Generate Valuable Insight

    Maintaining a competitive advantage and delivering against customer expectations is fundamental to business success. To achieve both, companies are looking for valuable insights on which to base a str...

    4 MIN READ

    Amy Greenwood

    5 Lies Your Market Research Agency Is Telling You

    You may have thought you had it all sussed out. You might have found the perfect agency partner. But there is often more than meets the eye when it comes to the inner workings of research agencies.

    7 MIN READ

    Maria Twigge

    When Agencies Collide: Managing Multiple Research Su...

    Collating resources from multiple agencies can help you achieve specific expertise from all areas for your research to make it success. Whilst it may often be easier to buy a ‘one size fits all’ packa...

    5 MIN READ

    Grayling Ferguson

    Disrupting Research: 5 Innovative Types of Market Re...

    Many industries have witnessed disruptions caused by the emergence of digital tools. Unsurprisingly, market research is no exception. In particular, market research disruption is the result of the eme...

    5 MIN READ

    Dr Dorota Crockford

    Was Apple Founder Steve Jobs Right about Market Rese...

    Okay, I know what you’re thinking. Great – is this just another article about Steve Jobs’ opinion on business? It’s been done before, too many times. Even after death, the legacy of the famous Apple f...

    7 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    The 5 Key Stakeholders in Any Long-Term Research Pro...

    Every market research project is different. By extension, each project requires the attention of different stakeholders within an organisation. This could make any project seem rather overwhelming fro...

    6 MIN READ

    Dr Dorota Crockford

    Does Your Boardroom Need More Market Research?

    There is a perception that market research has, over time, lost its place in the boardroom. However, that is not the case. Market research has, and always will, play a role - even if that role could b...

    6 MIN READ

    Charles Pearson