What Exactly is a Chief Insights Officer?
The role of a Chief Insights Officer (CIO) is still a very new concept that has come about with the surge in market research needs across all industries. With that being said, not all businesses know ...
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What is a market research and insights playbook, plus discover why should your team consider building one.
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The MRX Lab podcast explores new and novel ideas from the insights industry in 10 minutes or less.
FlexMR’s CEO, Paul Hudson, took a stroll into a chapter of his past and presented as a guest lecture...
The role of a Chief Insights Officer (CIO) is still a very new concept that has come about with the surge in market research needs across all industries. With that being said, not all businesses know ...
Engaging key stakeholders and decision makers with pivotal insights and data can be the bane of every insight professional’s career. A large variety of techniques and tips are being trialled and teste...
Business transformation represents the path to competitiveness. It means improving service, improving efficiency and reducing costs. It can include expanding into other markets, improving capacity for...
So, while there might not be a one-stop shop for guaranteed success for anything in this world, there are certainly guides that can definitely help to increase your chances. This, I’m hoping, is one o...
To lead the way in market research, insight professionals need a wide range of skills; as times change and the industry becomes ever-more competitive, are the skills required changing? To ensure that ...
Social influence is a strong natural force. As social beings we seek to fit in and belong amongst our peers in day-to-day life. This instinctual desire can often lead to different forms of social infl...
The insights industry is a wonderful place to be right now – innovation in new methods, expanding horizons and more influence in boardrooms. Overall, businesses realise that it is imperative that thei...
Creating research experiences for real people is integral to enhancing the value of research for businesses and organisations. Through this participant-centric research design, businesses and clients ...
Trust is a powerful emotional ally to brands and businesses, and it’s something that consumers hold in abundance. The gain or lack of trust can mean the difference between failure and success in all s...
A market research brief is a document a client produces detailing important information about their unique situation and research requirements. This information should include (but is not limited to) ...