Infographic: The Quest for Insights Empowerment

Sophie Grieve-Williams

Challenging Stakeholder Assumptions in the Digital...

What can we ever really assume about our customers in a digital age?


Maria Twigge

    Infographic: The Quest for Insights Empowerment

    Insight teams within an organisation that doesn’t value market research are typically seen as a cost-centre or a money pit. Those insight teams then find themselves in positions where they have to fig...

    5 MIN READ

    Sophie Grieve-Williams

    Understanding Stakeholders: Exploring The Meaning of...

    Stakeholder engagement is a big topic in insights at this moment in time. We are dealing with a myriad of stakeholders and clients who do not understand consumers in the way they need to, and who may ...

    18 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Delivering Tangible Value from Research Communities

    The latest data from the Greenbook GRIT Report suggests that 60% of research teams are using online insight communities – also known as research communities or MROCs. A further 22% are considering the...

    7 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Does your Brand Need an Insights Advocate?

    How far does the influence of insights stretch within your brand? If the answer is not far, then you might need to consider recruiting Insight Advocates into teams within your organisation.

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Simple Ways to Curate Insights for Senior Audiences

    Reporting is one of the most important stages of market research, and isn’t really given the attention it deserves in favour of the arguably more exciting data collection and analysis stages. However,...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Animated Insights: Creative Approaches to Presenting...

    Generating data is only half of the research process. The other half is interpreting that data, generating insights, and presented in an impactful way. Creative reporting is a relatively recent innova...

    6 MIN READ

    Sophie Grieve-Williams

    Customer Immersion Sessions - A Simple Guide

    Since the very beginning, market research has been trying to connect brands and customers together for the betterment of both parties. Generating high-quality insights is a key incentive for stakehold...

    9 MIN READ

    Emily James

    How to Scale Creative Qual for Rich Consumer Underst...

    Qualitative data is by its very nature more difficult to analyse than quantitative data. Quant data usually consists of numbers and stats… lovely, logical numbers and stats; qual however brings in sta...

    8 MIN READ

    Russell Elliot

    5 Strategies to Turn Insights into Action

    Turning insights into action – the end game for both insight professionals and stakeholders. But it’s also one of the trickiest challenges we face.

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    A Day in the Life of a Market Researcher

    A day in the life of a market researcher seemed like quite an easy task to write about – until I sat down to write about it and realised that a researcher’s role can be so varied from one day to the n...

    7 MIN READ

    Maisie Furneaux