How to Generate Precise and Powerful Consumer Insight

Maria Twigge

Challenging Stakeholder Assumptions in the Digital...

What can we ever really assume about our customers in a digital age?


Maria Twigge

    FlexMR research tools are designed for consumer research, getting feedback on consumer habits, purchase behaviour, reactions, preferences and much more. A detailed understanding of consumers' purchase behaviour and preferences is key to being able to create targeted and fitting products - hence the need for precise market research that really digs deep and gets to the core of consumers' behaviour drivers.

    Naturally, questions centre around the how, when and why. Naturally, the more precise and truthful to the situation and in-situ the customer feedback is, the better.

    So far, researchers have used different and often a combination of methods including deploying field studies, conducting personal interviews, following participants around shops or monitoring behaviour. However, the core weakness is the factor of human recall and memory.

    "The richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten." - Cesare Pavese, The Burning Brand: Diaries, 1935-1950

    With traditional methods, customers are asked to give feedback after the event/craving/situation etc occurred and the feedback is dependent on human recall, i.e. the customers remember and recall what they did, how they felt, what motivated them and so on. This is a crucial point, as human memory doesn't work like a video recorder; the human brain is a complex structure and takes executive decisions as to what and how we record an event.

    A new method that helps us negate the editing of the brain is to use online research and mobile devices where customers can give feedback straightaway, as things happen and unfold - in real time. And, one step further - they can record and upload pictures and videos to your research portal to help record those behaviours and events accurately. This combined with their written feedback creates a really powerful snapshot of consumer behaviour.

    Feedback via mobile devices, e.g. via SMS or a permanent internet connection to a FlexMR online portal enables researchers to gather feedback from customers that is being given in-situ and in the moment. Where appropriate, the customer's location can also be recorded for further detail.

    This gives researchers a more precise, truthful and detailed picture of consumer habits, purchase behaviour or any other suitable research focus. In turn, businesses can use this insight to actively develop better marketing strategies, concepts and products.

    To book a free trial of the FlexMR research platform and make use of our wide range of quant & qual tools, click here. Or, click here to read more about the flexible management levels we can provide

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