Customer Experience Measurement is Dead: Long Live Customer Experience Measurement

Paul Hudson

3 Challenges Facing Financial Services Market Rese...

The landscape in the financial services sector is forever changing, this brings a unique set of chal...


Michael Connor

    Customer Experience Measurement is Dead: Long Live C...

    I’ll be honest; I have ‘love-hate’ relationship with customer experience (CX) measurement. I’ve been in and around customer experience measurement my whole career and I’ve run every kind of project im...

    6 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    How to Modernise Your Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) T...

    Data and insight are two very different things. I’ve written about businesses being awash with data in previous blogs, in contrast to insight wherein the true value lies. As a result of this universal...

    8 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Improving Employee Experience with Employee Insight

    If you think your brand is your most important asset, think again! You are right to think that it is the beacon around which everything else orbits, a symbol to the world representing your business pu...

    6 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Happy 10th Birthday iPhone: 6 Smart Mobile Market Re...

    Can you believe that it’s nearly 10 years ago that the first iPhone was shipped? The 29th June 2007 was the date that the mobile market changed forever. This was probably the first death knell for Nok...

    9 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    5 Practical Tips for Online B2B Market Research Succ...

    Conducting Business to Business (B2B ) market research can be challenging for many reasons. It’s something of a speciality. One question we are frequently asked – or challenged on – is whether online ...

    6 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    3 Market Research Applications of Virtual Reality Th...

    2017 has been denoted as the year VR goes mainstream at which point its potential application in widespread market research practice becomes even more significant. So how is this innovative technology...

    4 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    How to Generate Insightful Moments

    Customer insight should be the lifeblood of an organisation; the element that creates competitive advantage. That is the rational argument for generating customer insights. In reality, the way organis...

    7 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    10 Market Research Mistakes You Need to Stop Making

    Almost everyone believes they can be a market researcher, whether they have any formal training or not. Indeed, I’ve long believed they can – but with some training! I believe the core attributes of a...

    10 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Mobile Ethnography in Market Research: Fact & Fi...

    Let’s be clear: incorporating mobile devices into your research plan doesn’t automatically make your research ethnographic.

    9 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    In Defence of the Survey

    Whatever has been predicted about the demise of market research or surveys, they are still very much alive today. Far from being extinct, surveys are flourishing. To the point, some might argue, that ...

    6 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson