Insight 2025: Market Research Trends and Predictions

Paul Hudson

Challenging Stakeholder Assumptions in the Digital...

What can we ever really assume about our customers in a digital age?


Maria Twigge

    Insight 2025: Market Research Trends and Predictions

    The past twelve months have been dominated by technological momentum and behavioural uncertainty. In a review of 2024, published by Research Live, industry leaders highlighted how this dichotomy has i...

    11 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Co-Creating the Future of Survey Participant Experie...

    At the recent ASC International Conference, I had the pleasure of running a workshop about the challenges of improving participant experience. We all know what a good survey is, right? However, if we ...

    8 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Measuring the Success of Salience and Staying Power

    Organisations contradict themselves. Whilst 73% of CMOs say Customer Centricity is critical, Forrester reports that only 48% of business decisions are based on any form of quantitative data. Half of a...

    7 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    How to Extend Research With Pop-Up and Embedded Surv...

    How do you deliver online surveys? How do you get them in front of the right audience? For different research projects and programmes, the answer will naturally change. But those are questions we've b...

    8 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    3 Ways to Embed Insights into Stakeholder Organisati...

    Driving engagement and action from research is one of the most important, yet most difficult steps of the research process. Finding ways to improve that flow of insight around a business can make all ...

    7 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Three Ways to Survive a Recession: Insights on Prici...

    The economic outlook for 2023 is turbulent to say the least. The World Economic Forum reports a few bright spots across the globe. The MENA, South Asia and Pacific regions appear set to avoid the wors...

    9 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Paul Hudson: Why I'm Standing for ESOMAR Council

    It is fascinating – and challenging - to see how different the insights landscape it now compared to when I started in my research career 23 years ago. Even more to reflect on what it was like when ES...

    9 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Why Innovation in Market Research Matters

    As the Greenbook GRIT survey opens for another year, and I answer questions about the role of automation, technology and working practices in market research - I find myself reflecting on the role of ...

    7 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    What Does It Mean to Empower Insights?

    The Customer is King. That’s the mantra of a market economy. It is the customer that decides what gets produced – and what doesn’t – depending on how and where they spend their money. The almost-Darwi...

    10 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson

    Dear Surveys... We Need to Talk

    Dear Surveys, for a long time now, I have felt that something is amiss in our relationship. A nagging doubt that somehow things have moved on, but we have not adapted as much we could. In a way, our r...

    8 MIN READ

    Paul Hudson