Connection & Communication: Principles of Insight Activation

Emily James

Understanding Customer Centricity: An Introductory...

In today’s rapidly evolving marketplace, businesses from all sectors are increasingly recognizing th...


Emily James

    Connection & Communication: Principles of Insigh...

    Insight activation is a crucial challenge for all insight professionals. In this stage, the insights from the research experience should be communicated effectively and put to good use by the project ...

    20 MIN READ

    Emily James

    How to Build an Active and Engaged Online Insights C...

    Building an insights community is one of the bigger jobs assigned to an insight team. In the beginning it can seem a monumental task, but insight communities do have the capacity to give back value eq...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Are Your Stakeholders Asking the Right Questions?

    There is a phrase you might have heard in various contexts, sometimes genuine sometimes voiced with snark, but the purest form of this sentiment is a key goal for insight teams across all industries. ...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Breaking Down 5 Barriers to Insights Activation

    Insight teams are constantly breaking down a variety of barriers within the daily life of market research. Barriers to getting funding, finding out contextual information about the research request, g...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    What is Market Research? Definition, Methods, Exampl...

    Market research is a thriving industry, full of invention and innovation. In such a busy, future-thinking industry, it can be hard for newcomers to know where to start when learning about insights. So...

    31 MIN READ

    Emily James

    How Market Researchers Can Win Over Leadership Teams

    Winning over leadership teams is critical to a successful research experience, as well as the continued success of the insights industry itself. Without stakeholders to continue requesting research an...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    What Sets Winning Insight Teams Apart?

    What does it mean to be a successful insights team? This eminent question that can lead to a lot of success within the insights industry, inspiring insight teams to work towards becoming the best insi...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Surveys - The Life-Blood of Quantitative Insights?

    There is a reason why surveys come to mind whenever anyone mentions market research. Surveys are the staple of the insights industry, for insight professionals, stakeholders and customers, even before...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James

    How Qualitative Technology Drives Emotional Understa...

    Popularity surrounding the use of qualitative research technology is on the rise, to the point of even rivalling the popularity of quantitative research. While quantitative research has gained the mos...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Exploring the Effectiveness of Creative Reporting Fo...

    The term ‘report’ has very traditional connotations even now. Most people would think of a lengthy written document detailing the minutiae of a situation, experience, process from start to end, with s...

    6 MIN READ

    Emily James