Best Practices for High Quality Video Research

Emily James

Understanding Customer Centricity: An Introductory...

In today’s rapidly evolving marketplace, businesses from all sectors are increasingly recognizing th...


Emily James

    Best Practices for High Quality Video Research

    Video research is a relatively new concept compared to other methodologies in market research, however, it has rapidly proven valuable to insight experts and stakeholders everywhere. Through this reco...

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Evaluating Video and Chat Based Focus Groups

    Online focus groups have evolved far past their initial iteration, which emerged back in the early 1940s as face-to-face discussions between researchers and respondents. Through technological innovati...

    10 MIN READ

    Emily James

    What is an Online Focus Group?

    Keeping close to consumers has been a tricky topic for brands and insight experts all over the world, with innovation continuously generating new tools, techniques and methodologies for stakeholders t...

    30 MIN READ

    Emily James

    The Role of Diverse Data Reporting Strategies

    Data reporting has remained a hot topic debated by insights teams in all industries in the world. With innovation transforming traditional reporting and creating new modern methods, we can see the imp...

    16 MIN READ

    Emily James

    6 Important Skills for Making Sense of Data

    Making sense of data isn’t the easiest thing in the world, which is why there are numerous stakeholders in many industries who hire insight professionals to do it for them. Insight teams are formed to...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    What is Data Governance and Why Is It Important?

    Data drives successful businesses – that is a fundamental fact well-known by insight teams and stakeholders across industries. But data is a tricky topic, stakeholders can’t just go about gathering wh...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Building a Business Data Strategy: The Essentials

    Businesses thrive on data. When it comes to understanding themselves, their customers, their target audience and much, much more, then it is data that organisations need. Not just any data, but high-q...

    30 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Segmentation, Clusters and Personas: How to Group Co...

    Grouping consumers is a crucial stage in the market research process, whether before or after insight teams implement research tasks, grouping consumers in a way that is relevant to the research and b...

    11 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Understanding the Consumer Decision Making Journey

    Depending on the level of impact each decision will have on a person’s life, making a decision can be either easy or intensely tricky. For consumers, the decisions they make in their interactions with...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    The 4 Most Important Consumer Research Data Points

    Consumer research is a key metric that helps brands stay relevant and innovate regularly according to the needs and experiences of their customers.

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James