How To Break Down Assumptions About Customers

Emily James

How To Break Down Assumptions About Customers

We make assumptions about everything we encounter in life with the information we have at our dispos...


Emily James

    How To Break Down Assumptions About Customers

    We make assumptions about everything we encounter in life with the information we have at our disposal in the moment. In general conversation, we automatically assume what the other person is trying t...

    6 MIN READ

    Emily James

    4 AI Use Cases for Customer Salience Strategies

    In today’s increasingly competitive marketplace, businesses are starting to recognise the importance of customer centricity and insights. However, in recent CMO research, while 73% of senior executive...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    The Keys to Customer Salience Success

    The challenges to achieving Customer Salience are clear.

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    The Key to Action: Gestalt Cycle of Experience

    Picture yourself standing in the face of some free time. In my dreams, I know, but hear me out. You are now faced with a choice: you can pick up a new hobby to fill that time creatively and productive...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    How to Lay the Foundations of Customer Salience

    So, you’ve decided to pursue the Customer Salience strategy, embedding a customer-centric culture into your or your client’s organisation – what’s next?

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    The Connection Between Customer Salience and Market ...

    In today’s day and age, it is hard for insight experts to imagine that some stakeholders still don’t understand the true value and purpose of market research. In one instance, they might understand th...

    6 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Growing Innovation with Customer Salience & Insi...

    Innovation is a broadly applied term for a very specific concept. It is a significant change to the well-established status quo, mostly considered positive due to its ability to revolutionise processe...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Combatting Intuition Led Decision-Making with Insigh...

    With all the challenges insight teams and advocates face on a daily basis, it’s hard to tackle them all at once to make our lives easier. Most of the challenges are stakeholder-centric, with insight e...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    Pitch It: The Business Case for Customer Salience

    As insight experts, we understand the power of insights, their inherent value in key decision-making practices, and the impact they can have on business strategies. However, it is a tough task pitchin...

    7 MIN READ

    Emily James

    How to Extend the Lifecycle of Customer Insights

    Have you ever thought about the typical lifecycle of the insights that market researchers generate? Once you do, you might start to consider questions such as:

    8 MIN READ

    Emily James