The 2018 Christmas Consumer Barometer
Every year, we use our online insight platform to access to UK consumers and dig beneath the surface of Christmas and take the pulse of the nation. We look at a broad range of topics, including shoppi...
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In today’s data-obsessed world, it’s easy to get lost in quantitative data with businesses able to g...
Every year, we use our online insight platform to access to UK consumers and dig beneath the surface of Christmas and take the pulse of the nation. We look at a broad range of topics, including shoppi...
As I return to the research and insights industry, I notice that a lot has changed in my brief 18 month hiatus. A surprising amount of change. New tools, platforms and technological advancements are a...
To understand the impact that artificial intelligence (AI) will have on market research, it is first important to be clear about what exactly AI is and what it is not. Artificial intelligence is the i...
Often a market research strategy sits within the larger context of a business’/organisations’ strategy.
1. DIY Survey Tools - They’re Cheap - What’s Not to Love? The Internet provides market research resources that 15 years ago you could only dream about, so why not use them? Why would you pay a market ...
As a parent of a child with type 1 diabetes I fully embrace any advancement in the wearable technologies market. Thanks to advances in recent years, I am able to track my daughter’s blood glucose leve...
What makes the perfect market research project? In truth, there may be no such thing. But there are certainly some steps you can take to make your research more effective, and it starts at the very be...
Gone are the days of purist approaches to research, when single methodologies were recommended as a solution to your business/research objectives. These days you’ll struggle to find a research agency ...
What makes market research agile? It is a question that has been endlessly debated over the past few years. Since the concept of agile methodologies (or philosophies - depending on who you talk to) ha...
Okay, I know what you’re thinking. Great – is this just another article about Steve Jobs’ opinion on business? It’s been done before, too many times. Even after death, the legacy of the famous Apple f...