6 Ways to Involve Stakeholders in Qualitative Research

Chris Martin

4 Qualitative Research Methods to Improve Customer...

In today’s data-obsessed world, it’s easy to get lost in quantitative data with businesses able to g...


Emily James

    6 Ways to Involve Stakeholders in Qualitative Resear...

    While quantitative data enjoy a warm, positive reception across most businesses – engaging decision-makers with qualitative insight can often prove a greater challenge. Lacking in statistical rigour, ...

    7 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    When and How Should Researchers Challenge Internal B...

    To understand the role that insights professionals should play in evolving brand perceptions, it’s first important to have a clear and concrete definition of a brand. The only problem is, that’s a fic...

    7 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    How to Use Online Research Platforms to Drive Insigh...

    Insights engagement is a term that has grown in popularity over the past decade. As the role of data and knowledge in decision making have been bought to the forefront of company cultures, driven by a...

    7 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    The Insights Industry Needs Digital Integration, Not...

    Digital transformation. Anyone who works in or adjacent to a marketing function will have surely heard this dreaded buzzword. I certainly know I have – a lot. Shorthand for adopting technological repl...

    7 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Changing Hearts and Minds Through Creative Use of Re...

    To win hearts and minds is a strategy with a long, chequered history. Used originally to describe a military tactic of the British, and subsequently a number of American foreign campaigns – it has sin...

    7 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Lessons from Advertisers: How to Make Insights Stand...

    What makes insights stand out? How do we get decision makers to really take notice and pay attention to what the data is saying? It’s a hotly contested issue, and one which has only become increasingl...

    8 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Choosing the Right Technology to Support Stakeholder...

    The research technology landscape is vast and varied. Then there are the fields adjacent to insight that add value to the work of researchers; data visualisation, creative production, knowledge manage...

    8 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Storytelling for Researchers: Lessons from 100+ Hour...

    Before my fascination with marketing began, I grew up determined to become a movie director. I spent hours with a small home camcorder, friends and a script - always trying to find the most interestin...

    9 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Our Contributions to the UN Global Call to Creatives...

    One week ago, on March 31st, the FlexMR insights marketing team took a break from our day-to-day. Instead, we donated our time to the United Nations and World Heath Organisation’s global call to creat...

    8 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Engaging New York & London with Impactful Insigh...

    Last year, we embarked on a new journey. One that tied together conversations we’d had with clients, products and services our team had developed, and am ambitious aim. That journey was our Insight as...

    7 MIN READ

    Chris Martin