A Guide to Probability and Non-Probability Sampling

Chris Martin

3 Challenges Facing Financial Services Market Rese...

The landscape in the financial services sector is forever changing, this brings a unique set of chal...


Michael Connor

    A Guide to Probability and Non-Probability Sampling

    Which sampling technique to use is one of the most important choices that researchers can make at the outset of an academic or market research study. It represents the way you will select individuals ...

    55 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Insight to Foresight – A Review of ESOMAR Congress 2...

    It’s hard to summarise a conference that condensed so much into three days. ESOMAR Congress touched on everything from the ethical challenges facing the research industry to methodology best practices...

    5 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    The Connected Customer: A Review of INBOUND 2022

    A long time ago, I used to write summaries of the research, marketing and business conferences I attended – and publish them here, on the FlexMR blog. Not only did they help me to condense and clarify...

    8 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Agile Data Management – Tips for Success

    Ask any insight professional what the driver of business decisions is and you’ll likely hear one answer. Data. Whether it’s driving marketing investments, financial planning, customer service structur...

    7 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    The 12 Common Brand Archetypes Explained

    In the 1940s, noted psychologist Carl Jung theorised that humans use symbolism and innate imagery that transcends language to understand complex concepts. Jung’s work focused on how symbols and shared...

    12 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    How to Write Reports That Drive Action and Inspire C...

    Let’s be honest. Research reports don’t have the best reputation. They are important documents that present data, summarise findings and suggest recommendations. But the image you have in your head ri...

    8 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    The Past, Present and Future of Consumer Behaviour

    Every successful brand has, at its core, an in-depth and robust understanding of consumer behaviour. Not just a picture of what customers want, but the dynamics of the wider marketplace. It seems almo...

    8 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Using the Meaningful x Actionable Grid to Evaluate Y...

    How do you evaluate whether your research is successful? It’s an innocuous question, but one that is surprisingly difficult to answer. Not because we, as researchers, can’t intuit whether our data and...

    11 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    How to Measure Brand Awareness: The Complete Guide

    Brand awareness has divided marketers for a long time. For some, it’s a vanity metric that has little bearing on revenue. For others, it’s a crucial factor of success. Some of the greatest marketing t...

    11 MIN READ

    Chris Martin

    Delivering Tangible Value from Research Communities

    The latest data from the Greenbook GRIT Report suggests that 60% of research teams are using online insight communities – also known as research communities or MROCs. A further 22% are considering the...

    7 MIN READ

    Chris Martin