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Why Mobile Matters: How to Research Consumers on the Go

Written by Chris Martin | 30 August

Mobile market research isn't just gaining traction, it is here to stay. It enables marketers and researchers to interact with consumers in a natural environment. But it also provides insight into consumer thought processes in situations where they were previously hard to reach. It is the single largest opportunity for brands to improve their customer feedback mechanisms of the 20th century. Yet, despite that - it has still suffered from low adoption rates and poor implementation.

The problems surrounding mobile research are two-fold. The first aspect is a low level of awareness of how mobile can be used to research consumers. The second is a lack of (effectively implemented) technology which enables such data collection. Slowly, the research industry is beginning to overcome these hurdles and provide more platforms which give mobile research the ecosystem it needs to thrive. The following infographic aims to show just how widespread mobile penetration has come and the opportunities that it, combined with creative methodologies, provides researchers.

Tweetable Mobile Research Facts:

  1. 60% of the global population have access to a mobile device (click to tweet)
  2. 80% of internet users access the web via a basic or smart phone (click to tweet)
  3. 63% of mobile consumers multi-screen whilst watching TV (click to tweet)

Why Mobile Research Matters

How Can You Reach Consumers on the Go?

Understanding the breadth of opportunities that mobile devices offer is the first step to crafting an effective mobile research strategy. The second, crucial, step is the harder one. It centres on the question: how can we target and collect data from relevant consumers in a non-intrusive manner? There are a lot of suggestions on how this can be achieved. We even make our own in the article 6 Unique Uses of Mobile Market Research. But ultimately it comes down to your consumers and how your business interacts with them.

Undertaking mobile research forces organisations to take a step back and closely examine customer relationships. Before developing a mobile strategy you need to consider when and where consumers come into contact with your product, but also how the purchase decision is made. Only once these two key elements are defined can you begin using research to reach and understand consumer opinion in context and in-situ.